Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Safety Issue? or just plain stupid...you choose

This morning I395S in the Baltic area.  Honda Odessy lic # 604 PKS.  Normally I don't include the whole plate #, but this COULD be a safety issue that the vehicle owner should hear about. 
Honda drifts into the left lane to pass slower moving traffic.  No directional signal (other than the tentative drifting to the left).  A bit later, right directional comes on and the van moves smartly into the right lane.  I pass him.
Shortly thereafter he drifts back into the left lane...again no signal.  Either he doesn't know his left directionals don't work.....or he doesn't know how to push down on the directional lever.  In either case, he apparently doesn't know how to change lanes when moving into the left lane......drifting slowly over isn't the right way.